Sunday, June 8, 2008



After over 40 years of involvement in NASCAR racing as a fan, a Professional Journalist, and than a Driver/Car Owner, I've come to the hard reality, that at this point in time, its Black Racism that is one of the biggest barriers to Black People advancing and achieving in this sport.

For many years I have pointed figures at NASCAR, acquiring them, the powers that be in of being racist because of the lack of Blacks in the sport.

Where this may have been true 30 or 40 years ago. The attitude today is one of inclusion and friendship, on the surface. The absents of Black Competitors in today's three top divisions also puts doubt on NASCAR's true intent.

Since middle 70's I've actively campaigned to educate, promote, and market NASCAR racing in and to the Black Community. Back then, I associated the lack of interest was because there were no Black heroes or role models to fellow and that was where I thought I would come in.

During that time I worked in several positions as a professional racing Journalist in Jacksonville, Florida covering racing in print, television, and radio. Not giving any thought to the fact that I was the only Black person covering motorsports, I was just enjoying the sport I loved and wanted to be a part of.

I promoted racing to the people that I would meet and became acquitted with. If you know Les Montgomery, you know what he is about, NASCAR stock car racing. Just by my being at an racing event, I thought I was presenting and integrating that event. Not thinking much about there not being any competitors of color in the field.

In 1983, I joined Wendell Scott in an effort to create more awareness to the Black Experience in NASCAR and we established The Wendell Scott Racing Foundation and Automotive Scholarship Fund in Atlanta, Georgia.

During my efforts to promote this foundation, I started to notice some odd things. Whites were more attracted to what we were doing than Blacks. White race fans were touched more by our efforts, because they considered Wendell Scott one of their's even if he was a Black Man, he was a big part of the NASCAR family.

The only way Black Folks identified with Wendell Scott was though the movie "Greased Lightning" staring Richard Pryor. Most did not realize that it was mostly a true story. Today that story is mostly forgotten in today's racing headlines and heroes.

I met many Black and White People of power and influence, Corporate America Black and White. The Black People did not want to get involved and the White People did not want you to get involved, so it was a no win situation, racism on both sides. But I thought, Black People can't be racists!

Lost is the desire for Black men and women to be in NASCAR racing was the fact that there are people of color out there wanting to be a part. This is where I have come to the conclusion the its Black Racism that is blocking the advancement of African-Americans in NASCAR racing. Those men and women can not find a fan base, support, sponsorship.

Black Racism is more mental than on the surface. More subdued than vocal. Most don't realize or understand the position they are taking. Most see NASCAR as a White Man Sport, but in the integrated society of America, there are many Blacks who want to be a part of NASCAR, but lack the financial support, the avenues and bridges to get into it, or just plan old afraid of attending an event because of the historic racial environment of the past.

There is one aspect of NASCAR in the Black Community escapes me. The fact that many young African-American people are wearing NASCAR team jackets and now know one thing about NASCAR, the team colors they wear, or the sponsor who is display bigger than life on their backs. More Black Racism.

One of my supporters, Calvin Ratchford said, "the jackets to us only pose as a fashion statement. Anything that glitters, shines, and blings we're there. That mindset makes up the fabric of the social strata in the black community. More bling, more acceptance, more noticeability!" I think that says it all.

Many relate NASCAR to the KKK, Confederate Flags, White Supremacy. Today its not like that, but convincing them that it isn't still has done little to get them out to the track.

Its been said once, its been said a thousand times, its money that make the NASCAR world go round and round. In the financial climate in America for the pass 30 to 40 years has always been questionable. Business people not having a good feel of watch way the economy is going makes it hard for people to invest on questionable endeavors.

The economy has always been a big reason why finding sponsorship in the Black Community has been hard as hens teeth to find. If you are lucky, you may find a few charity dollars out there, but doubly as hard to find were people who would or could invest in a race team. Those who could, purchased their own cars, got that need for speed and then it was over. Finding long term interest in the Black Business Community does not exist.

The folks who run NASCAR need to understand that minority growth in NASCAR will be from grassroot efforts. Growth from Black People who have fallen in love and understand the race action, rules, cars, technology, and the people. Its not going to grow out of stars for other sports and entertainers, their audiences love them for what they do in that arena, not in the NASCAR arena. I question their loyalist to this sport.

Today's NASCAR suffers from Tokenism not Racism. Get one Black person to represent and all is right in the world. Television Networks that cover NASCAR racing have got to get more "faces of color" in their broadcasts, this too would increase interest and show the viewing public that NASCAR is for everyone.

Is Black Racism truly the reason why Blacks are not more involved in NASCAR racing today?

Les Montgomery

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